March for Science

The March for Science proclaims that science, which is properly funded and widely shared, is a pillar of human freedom and prosperity. Accompany Climate First! as we march and demand that our leaders respect all the sciences and in particular, climate science.

Time/meeting location: 12 noon/outside the entrance to Smithsonian Nat'l Museum of American History, Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. Look for Climate First! banner and/or signs. (The event's program/rally actually starts at 10 am, and the March starts at 2 pm.)

Misc: Federal Triangle Metro (Blue, Silv, Orange) is closest station to our meeting spot. Dress for weather. Bring food and water. And bring a sign if you can.

For general info on the event, see March for Science.

April 22, 2017 at 12:00pm - 5pm
National Mall, Washington, DC
Ted Conwell · · 301-589-7598
Gail MacInnes Diane Lucas

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