Now that extreme weather events are occurring with increasing regularity, and the U.S. government's ability to address the worsening climate crisis is being slowed by a closely-divided Congress, this country's powerful corporate sector must step-in to mitigate the warming climate in a big way. Financial institutions--such as large banks--have the power to move the U.S. a long ways towards a clean energy economy. (For event details & to RSVP, scroll down.)
Currently, however, most large U.S. lenders are essentially talking out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they announce policies which mandate their investments amount to "net zero" greenhouse gas emissions in two or three decades, while at the same time they continue to loan monies to companies that build pipelines, engage in mining and selling of coal, and participate in other climate-wrecking business activities. In effect, the banks believe that they can continue to finance climate polluters, if they offset their dirty loans by also loaning monies to companies involved in clean energy activities such as solar and wind. Unfortunately, if the world is going to stay under 1.5 degrees C., as nations agreed to in the Paris Climate Accord in 2015, strong and sustained reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases must begin immediately.
This coming November 1, 2021, the most important international climate talks since Paris will begin in Glasgow, Scotland. At the same time, many major U.S. banks will release their latest plans to offset their climate-polluting emissions. To avoid these half-hearted commitments to addressing the climate crisis, it is critical that the American people demand that their banks begin to divest from all fossil fuels right away.
Image: Climate First!'s "bank walk", Washington, D.C.; August 2021.
In solidarity with the People vs Fossil Fuels "Week of Action" on October 11-15, 2021 in Wash., D.C.--where many will be performing civil disobedience in an effort to push President Biden to end the fossil fuel era--Climate First! will be running actions against fossil fuel-supporting banks in the D.C. area. Details of our first event are below.
WHAT: We'll do a "bank walk" to four or five nearby banks in Wash., D.C.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 13, 2021; 11:30 am to 1 pm.
WHERE: Meet at Metro Center, 13th & G St., NW. After some planning, we'll visit nearby banks.
WHO: Climate First! is organizing this event.
MISC.: We ask that all participants in this event wear masks, & abide by CDC pandemic guidelines. Also, we request that only people that have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 attend the actions. Please note that we will not be engaging in civil disobedience during these events. Bring a sign or two if you can. Also, bring water & snacks, and dress for the weather. Can't stay the whole time? Just come for as long as you can. PLEASE RSVP BELOW.
Q's? Contact us at [email protected].
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