Take Action Now!


Here's how you can take action TODAY to pressure Chase Bank's largest shareholders—BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street—to vote the infamous climate-denier and former Exxon CEO, Lee Raymond, off the bank's Board of Directors: 

I. Via Telephone:


Call Headquarters (tel. 212-810-5300). Ask for Michelle Edkins, Head of Investment Stewardship - Global; or Ray Cameron, Head of Investment Stewardship - The Americas.

Sample Script: "Hello, I'm calling to ask BlackRock to vote its shares in JP Morgan Chase against Lee Raymond's continued membership on the bank's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on May 19th. In light of his anti-science stance regarding climate change while at Exxon and in later years, as well as BlackRock’s recent commitments to climate protection, I ask that BlackRock vote against Lee Raymond remaining on the Board of Chase Bank. Thank you."


Call Headquarters (tel. 610-669-1000). Ask for Glenn Booraem, Investment Stewardship Officer; or Anne Robinson, Managing Director &  General Counsel.

Script: "Hello, I'm calling to ask Vanguard to vote its shares in JP Morgan Chase against Lee Raymond's continued membership on the bank's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on May 19th. In light of his anti-science stance regarding climate change while at Exxon and in later years, I ask that Vanguard vote against Lee Raymond remaining on the Board of Chase Bank. Thank you."


Call Headquarters (617-786-3000). Ask for Robert Walker, Managing Director, Asset Stewardship Team; or Benjamin Colton, Global Co-Head of Asset Stewardship.

Script: "Hello, I'm calling to ask State Street to vote its shares in JP Morgan Chase against Lee Raymond's continued membership on the bank's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on May 19th. In light of his anti-science stance regarding climate change while at Exxon and in later years, as well as State Street’s recent commitments to climate protection, I ask that State Street vote against Lee Raymond remaining on the Board of Chase Bank. Thank you."

II. Via Email (see sample email below):


Larry Fink, Chairman/CEO: [email protected]

Michelle Edkins, Investment Stewardship - Global: [email protected]

Ray Cameron, Investment Stewardship - The Americas: [email protected]


Glenn Booraem, Investment Stewardship Officer: [email protected] 

Anne Robinson, Managing Director & General Counsel: [email protected]


Robert Walker, Managing Director of Asset Stewardship Team: [email protected]

Benjamin Colton, Global Co-Head of Asset Stewardship: [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Sample Email:

Dear ____________:

I am respectfully asking BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street to vote its shares in JP Morgan Chase against Lee Raymond's continued membership on the bank's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 19th.

Mr. Raymond has a long history of publicly attacking scientific consensus, and using his considerable influence and resources to undermine action to address climate change. Mr. Raymond's climate denialism disqualifies him from being a responsible Board of Director for Chase Bank at a time when the United States (and the world) must immediately commit to addressing the climate crisis. 

[As a global finance leader, BlackRock recently promised to use its shareholder power to vote against the boards of companies not making enough progress on addressing the climate crisis, and to vote for initiatives that will advance climate-friendly goals.] In view of the urgency of the climate crisis, it is clear that BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street have a real opportunity to move Chase Bank forward vis-a-vis the issue by voting against Mr. Raymond's renomination to the bank's Board. 

In addition to voting against Mr. Raymond's renomination to Chase Bank's board, I respectfully ask that BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street strongly consider supporting:
1. two climate-critical shareholder resolutions asking JPMorgan Chase to report on whether and how it plans to align its portfolio activity with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and on how the company is managing the risks of its fossil fuel financing.
2. a resolution calling on JPMorgan Chase to establish an independent chair of its Board, a measure investors have advanced multiple years since 2012 to put an essential check on the company's CEO, Jamie Dimon. 

In closing, I ask that you consider the futures of your children and/or friends' children when the above issues arise during JPMorgan Chase's AGM this coming Tuesday. Thank you.





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