D.C. Youth Climate Strike

Tomorow, school children in 40 countries on all continents will strike for the climate by walking out of school. In Washington, D.C., striking youth will meet near the U.S. Capitol in an effort to give a voice to those who are unable to vote, and are dissatisfied with the lack of legislative action addressing the impending climate crisis. Details below.

Climate First! will join the D.C. youth in their climate strike. While the movement is youth-centered and organized, people of all ages are encourage to attend the strike, and show their support for action on the climate. 

When: Friday, March 15, 2019, Noon to 2 pm, EDT.
Where: US Capitol Building, 1 First Street, NW, Washington, D.C.; go to west side of the Capitol for event.
Misc: Ignore the predicted rain (but enjoy the relatively warm temps!), wear appropriate foul weather gear, and let's help these young activists in their fight to save the climate. 

Q's?: Contact Alissa Weisman at [email protected].

See more information on the D.C. Youth Climate Strike, and the Global Climate Strike.

March 15, 2019 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Washington, D.C.
Ted Conwell · · (301) 589-7598