Climate First! has had 25+ ongoing monthly actions. We will continue to go after the banks which are investing in dirty energy. Join us in the fight to #defundclimatechange!
PNC Bank
Climate First! ended its campaign against PNC Bank, due to the bank deciding in late 2014 to phase-out over time its financial involvement with mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining.
Keystone XL pipeline
When President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline in November 2015, Climate First! ended its campaign against the project.
Note: TransCanada, the company that had proposed the KXL pipeline project to the Obama administration but was subsequently denied the needed permit, was awarded the permit by the Trump administration in March 2017. In response, Climate First! developed a new campaign to defeat the KXL pipeline, known as the campaign to defeat all pipelines.
Morgan Stanley
Climate First! ended its campaign against Morgan Stanley, due to the bank issuing a new policy in late 2015 that would dramatically reduce its financial involvement with mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining.
MoCo Rise For Climate Rally
In the summer/fall of 2018, organizers from Climate First! and other Montgomery County, Maryland groups spent months planning a rally in Rockville, Maryland in an attempt to jump-start county and state legislative action around climate protection issues. The thinking was that if the feds weren't going to address the climate issue, local jurisdictions would have to take over. The "MoCo Rise For Climate" event occurred on September 9, 2018, and was a resounding success. Despite the bad weather, hundreds showed-up to the rally, and heard moving speakers, enjoyed inspiring music, as well as visited with local groups that were tabling. Click here to watch a video of the event.
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