The People's Climate March in Washington, DC

The People's Climate March will be the culmination of our work during the first 100 days of the new administration in fighting the President's drive to dismantle protections for the climate. Join Climate First! for the march and rally that follows. Please RSVP below.


Date/time: Saturday, April 29, 2017. We'll meet at 11:00 am for the march, which starts at 12:30 pm.

Location: We will meet outside of the north exit of the Judiciary Square Metro Station (Red Line). The north exit is just south of F Street, NW, between 4th St & 5th St. After gathering, we'll walk to 6th and Penna where we'll line-up for the march.

Misc.: Dress for the weather. Bring lots of food and water, sunscreen, and a sign. We'll march rain or shine. The march starts just west of the Capitol, and ends at the White House. After the march, we'll join the rally at the Washington Monument around 3 pm. Q's? Contact Ted at [email protected], or (301) 589-7598 (mobile). For general info on the PCM, go to here and here.

April 29, 2017 at 11:00am - 5pm
Washington, DC
Ted Conwell · · (301) 589-7598
Brian Higgins Mark McKendry

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