Climate Strike at JPMorgan Chase Bank

Image: Climate First!'s protest at Chase Bank
in Silver Spring, MD on Sept. 27, 2019 

Young students around the world are calling on millions of adults to join their global climate strike on Friday, November 29, 2019, all in an effort to force action regarding the impending climate crisis. 

Join Climate First! in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland on Nov. 29th as young students and adults participate in a climate march and "strike" at JPMorgan Chase Bank, the largest investor in fossil fuels of any bank in the world. Please RSVP below.

What: A short march, followed by a protest at Chase Bank.
When: 11:30 am EST, Friday, Nov. 29, 2019. The event will end at 1 pm. 
Where: Meet at the outdoor mosaic fountain in Silver Spring Town Center, 921 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring, MD. (Fountain doesn't operate in fall/winter.) If rain or extremely low temps, meet at nearby Potbelly Sandwich Shop, 917 Ellsworth Drive. Both locations are just NE of the intersection of Georgia Ave (Rt. 29) and Ellsworth Dr.  
Misc: Meeting spot is a 10 min walk from Silver Spring Metro Station. Dress for the weather. Event goes forward, rain or shine. If time, bring a sign. Limited time at lunch? Meet us around 12:05 pm at Chase Bank at 8435 Georgia Ave in downtown Silver Spring. NOTE: There is no civil disobedience or arrests planned at the event.

For further info, contact the leader, Bernie, at 301-442-7784 (mobile).

November 29, 2019 at 11:30am - 1pm
Silver Spring, Md
Ted Conwell · · (301) 589-7598
Bern Solnik Sarah Harvey

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