A Virtual Rally At Chase Bank to Protect Our Health

Image: A digital Chase Bank action, March  28, 2020.
In order to protect the world's health by flattening the "global warming emissions curve", Climate First! is organizing another online action tomorrow, Friday, April 10, 2020, against Chase Bank, the #1 investor in fossil fuels of any bank in the world. You can participate by posting your action on social media in three easy steps:

#1. You can message how Chase is investing more in climate-wrecking fossil fuels than any bank on earth. Also, add the link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidrvetter/2020/03/18/jpmorgan-chase-tops-dirty-list-of-35-fossil-fuel-funding-banks/#1943420b5dfe.

#2. Empower your post with a selfie of yourself holding a sign, or just use the Chase/oil pipeline image (below) using this link: https://www.ran.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CHASE_STACKED.jpg


#3. Finish the posting by 1) inserting a "call to action", and encouraging your family and friends to join your effort at this link: https://www.climatefirst.us/get involved; 2) add the hashtags "#HealthIsClimateFirst!" and "#ClimateStrikeOnline"; and 3) insert the handles, "@Chase" and "@ChaseSupport", so that our "friends" at Chase Bank get the message.   

Periodically, we'll compile all the Chase Bank postings, and share them widely via social media. 

NOTE: There is no civil disobedience or arrests planned with these actions.  ;)

Questions? Contact Ted, Lead Organizer at [email protected]; (301) 589-7598 (mobile).

April 10, 2020 at 9:00am - 9pm
See info above · · (301) 589-7598

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