While it was good news that Chase Bank said it would adopt a financing commitment respecting the carbon emission goals of the Paris Climate Accord, we haven't yet seen the details. Therefore, it is critical that everyone keeps pushing Chase to "flatten" its climate pollution curve.
Climate First! will continue to run its online climate strikes at Chase--the #1 investor in fossil fuels of any bank in the world--every Friday. You can join these virtual climate protests by posting your own climate strike on social media in 4 easy steps:
#2. Take a selfie of yourself (invite your family too!) with your message and/or use the Chase/oil pipeline image below, and insert the photo/image into your post:
#3. Insert a "call to action" in your post by encouraging folks to join our joint climate strike by including the URL: https://www.climatefirst.us/calendar. Then add the hashtags "#HealthIsClimateFirst!" and "#ClimateStrikeOnline". Also, insert "@Chase" and "@ChaseSupport" in your post to get the bank's attention.
#4. Share your climate strike by posting it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media. If you need additional ideas for your online action, you can find find examples of other related posts by doing a "Google search" of the hashtags: #HealthIsClimateFirst and #ClimateStrikeOnline.
Periodically, we will compile people's virtual Chase Bank climate strikes, and share them widely via social media.
Questions? Contact Ted: [email protected].
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