Day of Actions vs. Wells Fargo

On Saturday, September 23, 2017, we will have--for the 6th month in a row--a Day of Actions against Wells Fargo Bank for its financial support of the Keystone XL pipeline. Join us and our allies for a peaceful direct action at a Wells Fargo Bank branch in Washington, DC; Arlington, VA; Frederick, MD; or Newark, DE. Please RSVP below.

DETAILS re the Day of Actions vs Wells Fargo

1st Action - Washington, DC.

When: Saturday, September 23, 2017, 10 am to 12 noon.
Where: We'll meet at the small park behind the Capital Bikeshare rack at 2798 M St., NW (corner of 28th & M Sts.) in Georgetown at 10 am for a quick planning session. (If inclement weather, meet at Le Pain Quotidien, 2815 M Street, NW.) Then we'll walk to the nearby Wells Fargo branch.  Closest metro: Foggy Bottom (Org, Blue, Silver); please be advised it’s a 15 min walk from Foggy Bottom Metro Station to the initial meeting spot. If Q's re the action, call Ted, the leader, at (301) 589-7598 (mobile).

2nd Action – Arlington, VA.

When: Saturday, September 23, 2017; 12:30 pm to 2 pm; PLEASE NOTE the later starting/ending times for the VA action.
Where: Meet at 12:30 pm at the bike rack shelter in Clarendon Central Park, 3140 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, for a quick planning session; the park is adjacent to the Clarendon Metro Station (Org/Silver). (If inclement weather, meet at the nearby sweetgreen, 3100 Clarendon Blvd, in Arlington.) Then we'll walk to the nearby Wells Fargo branch. If Q's re the action, call Ted, the leader, at (301) 589-7598 (mobile).

3rd Action - Frederick, MD.

When: Saturday, September 23, 2017; 10 am to 12 noon.
Where: We'll meet at 10 am at the market cafe at Wegmans, 7830 Wormans Mill Road, in Frederick for a quick planning session. Then we'll walk to the nearby Wells Fargo branch. If Q's re the action, call Monica, the leader, at (240) 344-0574 (mobile).

4th Action - Newark, DE.

When: Saturday, September 23, 2017; 12 noon to 2 pm; PLEASE NOTE the later starting/ending times for the DE action.
Where: Meet at 12 noon at TGI Fridays, 650 S. College Ave (intersection of S. College Ave. and Christiana Parkway [Rt. 4]), for a quick planning session. Then we'll walk to the nearby Wells Fargo branch. If Q's re the action, call Billy, the leader, at (302) 507-0883 (mobile).

MISC. INFO RE EACH OF THE ACTIONS: Events go forward rain or shine. Dress for weather, and bring food/water. Make a sign if you can. When RSVP'ing, please let us know which action you will attend by inserting "(DC)," “(VA),” "(MD)," or "(DE)" at the end of your last name. Please note that future Days of Actions will occur on the 4th Saturday of every month.

If you have general questions regarding the September Day of Actions against Wells Fargo, please contact Ted at [email protected], or (301) 589-7598 (mobile).


September 23, 2017 at 10:00am - 12pm
Wells Fargo Bank branches in the Mid-Atlantic
Ted Conwell · · 3015897598
John Maxwell

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