Montgomery County, MD--Rise For Climate!

As part of the world-wide "Rise for Climate" mobilization being held on Saturday and Sunday, September 8-9, 2018, citizens in (and around) Montgomery County, Maryland, will rally in the City of Rockville demanding that their elected and business leaders commit to a fossil fuel-free economy. Note: This event has been moved indoors due to inclement weather. See below.

This "MoCo Rise for Climate" rally will feature short talks by dynamic local leaders, including a young Native American organizer, two persons of faith, a Goldman Prize-winning activist, and a U.S. Representative. In addition, there will be fun activities for the kids, live music, tabling by civic and nonprofit groups, and dynamic artwork on display.

The world-wide Rise for Climate mobilization and an event occurring just days afterwards in San Francisco, CA--the Global Climate Action Summit--are both designed to call on our local and state leaders to continue the progress of the Paris Climate Agreement and other greenhouse gas mitigation efforts given the backsliding of the current U.S. administration regarding the issue. 

Join us on Sunday, September 9th as we push our local and state leaders to rise for climate! 

Note: we still need volunteers on the day of the event. If you want to be a part of local history, please volunteer here

DETAILS re the "MoCo Rise for Climate" Rally

When: Sunday, September 9, 2018, 2 to 4 pm.
Where: NEW LOCATION due to inclement weather forecast. The rally will be held in the Montgomery County Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, in Rockville, Maryland. Just go in the main door, and proceed to the cafeteria in the basement. The new location is about a 8-10 minute walk from the Rockville Metro Station (Red Line). Also, we believe that there is free vehicle parking across the street from the building.

See more details at MoCo Rise for Climate.

If questions, contact Ted at [email protected], or (301) 589-7598 (mobile).

September 09, 2018 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Rockville, MD
Ted · · 3015897598
Susan Gleason Nicole Neus Walter Ebmeyer Michael Pan Michael Pan

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