Image: Keystone XL pipeline.
On Friday afternoon, October 2, 2020, join the StopTheMoneyPipeline (STMP) coalition for an online rally against the funders of tar sands oil pipelines.
Many big banks, insurance companies and investment companies continue to invest in pipelines that carry tar sands oil, one of the dirtiest fuels on our planet. These pipelines--Keystone XL, Line 3, Trans Mountain, and others--are disastrous for people and the planet. They’re built on Indigenous lands without consent, endanger the safety of Indigenous women, and spread pollution throughout nearby communities. Moreover, the pipelines will carry tar sands oil, a fossil fuel that experts have for years concluded will hasten the unravelling of our climate. For details on the rally, see below.
Image: see Chase Bank's primary role in Keystone XL pipeline here.
What: Virtual Rally vs tar sands oil pipelines.
When: 2 to 3:30 pm, EST, Oct. 2, 2020.
Where: RSVP here for the online event.
Misc.: Final list of speakers for the rally will be announced soon.
For general information regarding this event, contact Ted at [email protected].
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