Join Us as We Tell U.S. Banks--"Mitigate the Climate Crisis Now!"

It is time for powerful politicians and corporations in the U.S. to engage in major actions to address the worsening climate crisis. While there's always been extreme weather, of course, scientists now are trying to explain why the weather has been dramatically amplified in such a short period of time such that records are being shattered. And the often "off-the-charts" weather events in the U.S. have been a huge financial burden to its pandemic-recovering economy.

Photo: Smoke envelops trees as the Sugar Fire, part of the
Beckwourth Complex Fire, burns in Doyle, California on July 9, 2021;
Noah Berger-AP.

Appropriately, this coming November 1, 2021, the most important international climate talks since Paris will begin in Glasgow, Scotland. Government leaders from the U.S. will attend the meeting and make new climate commitments. In addition, many major U.S. corporations will release their latest plans to reduce climate-pollution emissions. To avoid half-hearted commitments to address the climate issue, it is critical that the U.S. people demand that their nation's business and governmental fully address the unraveling climate. (For event details & to RSVP, scroll down.)

Towards that, Climate First! and many other groups, all part of the nationwide coalition, Stop the Money Pipeline (STMP), will be organizing many actions in the time leading-up to the Glasgow talks. Specifically, during STMP's country-wide "Week of Action," Sept. 13-17, Climate First! will be running actions in the Washington, D.C. area, calling on the big banks to terminate their financial involvement with climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects such as the Line 3 pipeline. We will also be delivering a STMP petition to them, signed by over 150,000 people, that demands, in part, the same. 

Image: Climate First!'s action vs. various banks in Wash., D.C.; Aug. 13, 2021

For folks who can't attend Climate First!'s event(s) during the upcoming "Week of Action," stay tuned for future actions. In addition, if you haven't signed it yet, please sign STMP's petition here.

We'll do a "bank walk" to/from five large U.S. banks near Dupont Circle, requesting that they stop financing Line 3 and other climate-wrecking projects.
Friday, September 17, 2021; 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.  
Meet at 11:30 am, "Dolcezza Coffee and Gelato", 1704 Connecticut. Ave., NW, Wash., D.C. The shop is a 5 min walk from north entrance of the Dupont Circle Metro Station (Red Line).  
Climate First! is organizing these bank actions. 
MISC.: We ask that all participants in this event wear masks, & abide by CDC pandemic guidelines. Also, we request that only people that have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 attend the actions. 
Please note that we will not be engaging in civil disobedience during these events. Bring a sign or two if you can. Also, bring water & snacks, and dress for the weather. Can't come for all five bank actions? Just come for as many as you have time for. PLEASE RSVP BELOW.

Q's? Contact us at [email protected].


September 17, 2021 at 11:30am - 1:30pm
Washington, D.C.
Ted Conwell ·

Will you come?

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